Thursday, August 6, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears. Digital Release Dates

You know what really grinds my gears.

Digital release dates.

The Call of Duty Map Pack 3 just came out today but you have to wonder why it is held up. The time of the release varies for all of the content but it seems to come anywhere between 2 am and Noon that day. Wtf seriously what does it take for someone to make these releases right at midnight. It could be limited to just one timezone like PST since MS is there. With all our technology it seems like a pretty easy fix but you have to wonder what the people in charge are thinking if they haven’t come up with this yet. How many millions have downloaded just the COD WaW COD6 map packs. In a world full of 12:01 showing of new movies and even games now.

I heard it’s even worse on Playstation it’s not all live it once it’s by territory.

I still bought the Map Pack 3 in case you were wondering. However I haven’t had a chance to take a look I promised my wife I would wait for her to play it together.

I wonder about Steam… if they release at midnight…

Thursday, July 9, 2009

You know what really grinds my Gears? Battlefield 1943 XBLA

You know what really grinds my Gears? Games that enter the market place that don't have the proper support for online play. How do you release a game and not have enough servers? Come On. how can games be "done" with a broken multiplayer? 1st they new this would happen with a "trial" version that allows one map to be played. 2nd its battlefield 1943 we all loved it back then why wouldn't it be a big hit now. I feel like a developer like Dice and publisher EA have been around the block enough to know they've got to support the system. Anyone know how to get money back? i feel like I was robbed 1200 points today. Sure it will work eventually but if it wasn't ready it should have been pushed back instead i just bought a broken game I can't play. I guess Zombie love is only a load away :)

My top games based on platform.

XBOX 360 - I would have to say COD4 MW is my fav. i've played threw single player three times plus once on vet. Also the replay value of multiplayer is top notch. If it wasn't for Nazi Zombies on COD5 i would still be playing. Wii - Super Smash Bros. PC - Starcraft - still play it today Playstation - N2O - great little ship flier game I can never get enough off its great with a blacklight. Plus the crystal method is on the game as well. Nintendo - River City Ransom. Mario is up there but I always loved this game and still pick it up from time to time. Arcade - TRON - to this day i still play it on XBLA even though the controls suck. Number #69 on the leaderboards. You know you are jealous.

Monday, June 22, 2009

COD World at War Map pack #2 review

Recently over a million people downloaded the map pack #2 for COD5. Yeah maybe it’s not PC to call it COD5 but neither is having a broken party system for CoOp. But issues aside I’m hooked on Zombies like many others.

The new multiplayer Maps Banzai, Sub Pens and Corrosion are great. I especially love the water work on Banzai. There are plenty of tunnels connecting to different areas that have a lot of choke points in which to meet the enemy or to set an ambush. I particularly enjoy the bridge option it’s a quick way to move to another part of the map but you are exposed and can be easily picked off. Each map I feel is perfect for all match types but Search and Destroy I feel is the best. The Sub map is remarkable the sounds that you here in the sub is echoing in my living room. Other than each map missing some tanks I feel it’s a solid map pack. Maybe in #3. Would it kill them to make another kill house or Dome mini map. I just love to rack up the kills.

Onto the dopeness that is Shi No Numa (or Zombie Swap if my translator is working) is a real neat direction for the Zombieness that has become World at War. I’ve always loved the add-on of this game mode I have always felt it’s the best thing Treyarch has done and it continues to improve and impress me.

Previous Zombie maps gave the player very little running room but on Shi there is more than enough room to run. Plus there are even four characters for each player one Russian, Nazi, Japanese and American. Each with their owe catch phrases I personally love Russian comments about needing Vodka. There is a lot of green mosquito all over the place in the swaps and such which is perfect for me sense I’m itching after some time on the family property. ::scratch scratch::

You start off together all four with two places to open. Both open to the same downstairs area and courtyard. From there you have a box down stairs that will quickly give you the dreaded teddy bear which the Russian just loves. Then you must follow the breadcrumbs that they left for you to find the box again. That’s right I have to let you figure some of this stuff out. The map is spilt up into 4 hunts each with the electric fence, a new addition to the defenses is the flogger (spiked wheel), in a pinch this gives a lone gunmen a chance to live and survive the round. Quick trick crawl under it and you can be protected for a bit.

The Best thing about these zombie maps (outside of a new weapon glitch) is the strategy that goes into playing the game. On day one of the map pack I couldn’t get past level 8 of course I couldn’t find anything but some bitching kill stealing kids? Btw I am anti kill stealing until level 5 then its open season and I’m protecting your ass. One kid best said it in his Mickey Mouse like voice “Stay away from my window” all while he’s stealing kills from my window. Now I’m at level 19 I’ve got my wife, friend always in on it and if we have one person half way decent we rock. The minute we go chasing after a lone gunman that went rogue though we all die so we have our rules that seem to work.

Since writing this review I found a great system for solo on Shi and was able to last til round 18. Yeah Solo!

To top it all off though Treyarch got us some achievements. My hats off to you but I will never forgive the dogs on multiplayer. Yet I still buy you and must have my zombie fix. If it was just the maps I don’t know if I or the million opening weekend would have bought it. Here’s an idea for Activision World War II zombie game? Why not? just be sure to keep this mode don’t screw the formula.

800 pts well spent

Xbox Marketplace

Questions or comments hit me up on live Zombie Dude 00

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Running the Mile with my Son

Lately my son has been on a wrestleing kick. He is still new still learning and out of shape. Just like me. That is quickly changing though. I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Get my ass in shape and get my boy in better shape. We started on Sunday with a time of 12 min 20 sec. Today we made it in 11 min 26 sec. Jake is having a hard time with the improvement that he has been making. The problem is he doesn't see the improvement. We see it in him but he doesn't so I hope that 54 seconds is a good improvment for him to look at.

I used to run the mile in under 7 minutes in high school. I was always a big kid.

Gaming I took a brief look at Star Trek DAC i'm a bit pissed I bought it. More later on that.

Blogging Again Introducing the ZombieDude00

Being that this is my first blog i should post some background about me. Well I'm a 30 year old out of work Video Game Producer that like many others is suffering in this down time for our country. Over the past year I've been laid off twice from two different devlopers. I have been in the biz almost ten years now started in QA working the late nights on some really bad projects. I decided to shape up and get with the times and blog I facebook and twitter so blogging just seemed like a good idea.

I have decided to put my life into this blog along with gaming. Come here for laughs and good times I don't pull any punches on the games I review. There isn't any subject that I wouldn't blog about. In reguards to gaming I will review and give solid feedback to readers.

Lets see how this goes shall we ?